Poke 'er in the tit
she throw a fit,
Poke 'er in the cooch
her tears go sploosh
Fuckin' adorable. Need a waifu like this!
Poke 'er in the tit
she throw a fit,
Poke 'er in the cooch
her tears go sploosh
Fuckin' adorable. Need a waifu like this!
The very definition of "the controls are fighting you" - in a good way, of course. Though the end hit me like a wall.
Yep. I just turned Pikachu into a macabre nightmare. Was... that it?
Thought the game only had Spanish as a language option only to find out that after my time on it gave up I found the option to change it to English.
- Sprite art's fuckin' adorable - to me, anyway.
- I learned how to say some articles of women's clothing in Spanish
- Tits are squished by default. Perfect for silly bras, but not for pasties. To quote a well-known streamer, it makes the tits look "regae"
- No option to make the character nude without pasties, but that's just a me thing.
Definitely looking forward to the adult version, if one should ever come out.
Edit: Changed it to portrait mode by accident and now it's stuck -- Nvm, just fixed it. You just gotta find where the option normally is on the menu and click it.
the port to HTML5 had a issues to fix, pasarela/catwalk not work, portait view not work, bugs in slide text, and freezes in save slots, in android version all work flawlessy, later I will try to fix this version, thanks of playing.
Nice game! Gotta ask though, why are the achievements flirting with me?
I'm immediately getting Sonic vibes with the character. He runs like him, boosts like him, stomps like him...
Was this originally from the Generations engine?
Heavy Sonic inspiration indeed (although I don't feel that it plays like him in practice: different gameplay loop, downplays momentum in comparison, etc).
The game didn't start out as a mod or fangame, or anything to do with Generations in specific. I just took heavy inspiration from Sonic Runners particularly.
Bought out everything, lightly denting the da(ng) castle with the best weapon, can't do much more.
Gotta ask, though, why is it online? There's no ranking option to compare scores to, it's just a waste of hardware.
Edit: Also why is this labeled as a "platformer"? At best it's a glorified clicker game with light movement!
Not really all that much to use or go on: bare bones at best.
When I looked at the thumbnail I thought it would include some of the more recent Kirby entries like Planet Robobot or Star Allies, not just Super Star and its DS remake. As it stands right now, all you can make is battle sequences, nothing more nothing less.
Thanks for you response, however I plan on making much more advanced platformers in the future. This however was more of an experiment
The game never seems to load. Not sure if I'm either using the wrong browser or am just an impatient bastard, but for a while now I could never get the game to load.
I'd probably rate it more if this "long" loading time wasn't there.
Update: new computer as a fuckin' MILITARY-GRADE CIRCUIT BOARD, yet it still can't load this game! Just this game!
Before I start, I'm a fan of the X series of games. May have owned X1 and 2, but I still find them charming in their own right.
Control scheme isn't something I'm used to, but it suffices. Powers aren't even there, in fact the "powers" X gets are just recolors, nothing more nothing less. Zero's playstyle suits the intro more than X for the first playthrough... though I found out the hard way some of the controls. Speaking of, the boss which I'll call "Bombshell Beetle" is a huge pain in the ass, yet becomes a joke once the awkward scheme is mastered.
Shame my computer muted itself during the Bombshell Beetle fight, would've loved to hear that iconic victory theme... whatever it was.
Also, since previous reviews you've done the same thing, no thanks I don't trust spammed links.
Thanks for playing our game and your interest. We'll consider your feedbacks! :)
I am a starving artist that likes to draw adult art from time-to-time. A portion of my works on here were drawn on the Colors! 3D app on my 3DS; however, there is some traditional. -Is the proud creator of the "Fallen World" art series-
Age 28, Male
Freelance Artist
Stanley, Wisconsin
Joined on 11/16/15